Inside home offers many different wallpaper options for your home. From modern geometric patterns to subtle textures, vinyls to woven. Please stop in or contact us directly to view or extensive line of European and US papers.
Kirkby Design was launched in September 2009, as a modern, high performance fabric resource library, compiled of collections with a sharp, contemporary feel colored with a well balanced, sophisticated palette. With a fresh modern approach to upholstery fabrics Kirkby Design fulfils a requirement for a reliable, affordable and practical fabric resource which provides the essential basics for interior designers, retailers, furniture manufacturers and upholsterers to use in both residential and contract specifications.
Black Edition by Romo
Black Edition by Romo offers exclusively designed collections infused with rich, contemporary elegance. Created for the luxury interiors market Black Edition blends sophisticated textures, innovative weaving techniques and artisan effects with a visionary color palette.